Report on the Hosting of EVS 31 & EVTeC2018
The 31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS 31) and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference 2018 (EVTeC 2018)
We would like to report the following items on the hosting of EVS 31 & EVTeC2018, The 31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS 31) and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference 2018 (EVTeC 2018).
1,367 people from 38 countries attended the conference and lively debate took place throughout the Plenary Session, the Policy Panel Discussion, Panel Sessions, and the Technical Session, making the 31st International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS 31) and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference 2018 (EVTeC 2018) a great success.
1. Dates held
Sep 30 (Sun.) –Oct. 3 (Sat.) 2018
2. Venue
Kobe Convention Center
3. Number of Presentations
317 presentations
[In detail] Japan(105), Germany(48), USA(23), China(21), Belgium(18), Korea(16), Sweden(13), Netherlands(12), Poland and 22 other countries(61).
4. Number of Participants
1,367 from 38 countries
United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Iran, India, Austria, Netherlands, Canada, Cameroon, South Korea, Gambia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Thailand, Taiwan, Czech Republic, China, Tunisia, Chile, Denmark, Germany, Turkey, Japan, New Zealand, Nepal, Norway, Finland, France, Bulgaria, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Malaysia, South Africa, Monaco, and other countries.
5. Opening Ceremony (Oct. 1)

Kizo Hisamoto (Mayor, City of Kobe)
- Opening Address
- Hideyuki Sakamoto1,2,3 (1. Chair, Organizing Committee, EVS 31, 2. President, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., 3. Director, Executive Vice President, MFG & SCM Operations, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)
- Yoichi Hori1,2,3 (1. President, WEVA, 2. President, EVAAP, 3. Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- Masao Nagai (President, JARI)
- Kizo Hisamoto (Mayor, City of Kobe)
6. Guest Speech (Oct. 1)

- Guest Speech
- Masaki Ogushi (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan)
6. Welcome Speech

- Welcome Speech
- C.C. Chan1,2,3 (1. Founder, WEVA, 2. Vice President, EVAAP, 3. Honorary Professor, University of Hong Kong)
7. Keynote Speeches (Oct. 1,2,3)

Keynote Speech 1 (Oct. 1)
- "Moving People to a battery world through Nissan Intelligent Mobility"
- Masaki Toriumi (Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)
Keynote Speech 2 (Oct. 2)
- " Decabonisation of transport in the EU and role of alternatively powered Vehicles"
- Peter Dolejsi (European Automobile Manufacturers' Association(ACEA))
Keynote Speech 3 (Oct. 2)
- Sharon Dijksma (Deputy Mayor of the City of Amsterdam)
Keynote Speech 4 (Oct. 2)
- "Honda Initiatives for the Electrification of Society"
- Toshihiro Mibe (Honda R& D Co.,Ltd)
Keynote Speech 5 (Oct. 3)
- "Latest trend in the development of electric vehicles technology and policies towards the future in China"
- Minggao Ouyang (Tsinghua University)
Keynote Speech 6 (Oct. 3)
- "Integrating the Three Transportation Revolutions: Electric, Shared and Automated"
- Daniel Sperling (California Air Resources Board, University of California, Davis)
Keynote Speech 7 (Oct. 3)
- "The future Direction of Electrified vehicle"
- Shizuo Abe (Toyota Motor Corporation)
8.The Policy Panel Discussion (Oct. 1)

Tom De Vleesschauwer (IHS Markit Automotive)

- The Policy Panel Discussion
- Moderator:
- Tom De Vleesschauwer (Senior Director of Automotive, IHS Markit Automotive)
- Panelists:
- Hiroshi Ishikawa (Director, Automotive Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan)
- Claas Bracklo, (Chairman, CharIN, VDA)
- Nicholas Brooks (Head of Energy, Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV), UK)
- Pierpaolo Cazzola (Policy Analyst, Energy Tecnology IEA)
- Minggao Ouyang (Executive Vice President, China EV 100, China)
- Archana Agrawal (Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power India)
9. Panel Sessions (Oct. 1 – 3)

Tsuguo Nobe (Intel Corp.)

- Panel Session 1 (Oct. 1)
- Theme:
- What is meant by connected technologies that support a smart society?
- Moderator:
- Tsuguo Nobe (Director, Intel Corporation /Visiting Associate Professor, Nagoya University)
- Panelist:
- Yasuhiro Masuda (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan)
- Ken-ichi Murata (Project General Manager - Connected Strategy, ITS & Connected Management Division, Connected Company, Toyota Motor Corporation)
- Masashi Usami (Administrative Officer, Executive Director of Technology Planning, Technology Sector, KDDI Corporation)
- Panel Session 2 (Oct. 2)
- Theme:
- The future image of smart societies driven by Evs
- Moderator:
- Mayumi Matsumoto (Visiting Associate Professor, The Faculty of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
- Panelist:
- Hiroshi Ishikawa (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan)
- Kenji Sato (Director for Vehicle use Adjustment, Environmental Policy Division, Road Transport Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
- Masaki Toriumi (Alliance Global Director, EV and HEV Engineering Division, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)
- Fumitoshi Emura (Division Manager, Social Innovation Business Division, IoT Business Division, Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Tsuguo Nobe (Director, Intel Corporation /Visiting Associate Professor, Nagoya University)
- Sharon Dijksma (Deputy Mayor, City of Amsterdam)
- Panel Session 3 (Oct. 3)
- Theme:
- The future of energy supply technologies for Evs
- Moderator:
- Chris Mi(Professor, San Diego State University)
- Panelist:
- Hiroshi Fujimoto (Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- Seungyoung Ahn (Professor, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
- Takamitsu Tajima (Chief Engineer, Department 1, Electric Vehicle Development Division, Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Automobile R&D Center)
- Makoto Yoshida (Secretary General, CHAdeMO Association)
10. Technical Sessions (Oct. 1 – 3)

11. Parties: Welcome Reception (Sep 30) / GALA Dinner (Oct. 2)

12.Award Ceremony (Oct. 3)

Young Investigator Awards
Young Investigator Awards Winners are below (In Paper Number Order):
A3-6 Tanja Gewald, Technical University of Munich
Characterization and Concept Validation of Lithium-Ion Batteries in Automotive Applications by Load Spectrum Analysis
A6-2 Mattia Marinelli, Technical University of Denmark
Suitability of Commercial V2G CHAdeMO Chargers for Grid Services V2G hardware tests with local and remote control setup: assessing the performance for quality grid services
B1-6 Hidemasa Fujita, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, Japan
Newly Developed Motor Cooling Method using Refrigerant
C1-6 Francisco J. Márquez-Fernández, Lund University
Electric safety challenges with a conductive Electric Road System - Chassis potential modeling and measurement -
Development of High Voltage Insulation for the Driving Motor in Electric Vehicles
E2-1 Takumi Mio JTEKT Corporation, Japan
Auxiliary power supply system for Electric Power Steering (EPS) and High heat-resistant Lithium-ion capacitor
F6-6 Jae Hyun Lee University of California, Davis, USA
Identifying Heterogeneous Electric Vehicle Charging Behavior - Mixed usage of L1, L2, DC fast chargers at different locations-
DS1-3 Tse Lin Lee, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
Auto Parking System - with Vision based parking lot detection system and Multi-steps control system
DS7-4 Richard Merrett, Mentor, A Siemens Business, USA
Autonomous Vehicles as a Service Critical Review - Can Autonomous Vehicles as a Service Compete with Future Transport Solutions and What Demands do these Place on Existing Infrastructure -
SiC based Onboard Charger using Peak Current Mode Control
E-Visionary Awards

E-Visionary Award Winners are below:
- Kobe City, Kizo Hisamoto (Mayor, City of Kobe)
- Dundee City (UK), David Beeton(Director, Urban Foresight, Dundee City Council)
- New York City, Steve Henderson(EDTA)
13. Closing Ceremony (Oct. 3)

- Closing Remarks
- Masao Nagai (President, JARI)
- Yoichi Hori1,2,3 (1. President, WEVA, 2. President, EVAAP, 3. Professor, The University of Tokyo)
- Genevieve Cullen (President, EDTA)
- Espen Hauge (President, AVERE)